Successful South American tour by Viña Errázuriz
During September and October, Viña Errázuriz took active part in several tasting dinners in different South American cities, delighting the participants with the portfolio of its finest wines. Each event was led by Viña Errázuriz’s LATAM team.
Monterrey, Mexico - 26 September
• Tasting dinner for end consumers at the Bestias Brasa restaurant.
• Vertical tasting of Don Maximiano Founder´s Reserve 2010, 2012, 2018.
Panama City, Panama – 12 October
• Tasting dinner at the Caliope Steakhouse with influential people from the world of wine and wine collectors.
• Tasting of Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve vintages 2012 and 2018, as well as La Cumbre, vintages 2011 and 2018.
Lima, Peru – 18 October
• Tasting dinner at Curador Wine & Bar Shop, with Sommeliers from well-known restaurants in Peru.
• Tasting of Las Pizarras Chardonnay, Las Pizarras Syrah and Las Pizarras Pinot Noir vintage 2021, and Aconcagua Costa Chardonnay 2022, Aconcagua Costa Pinot Noir 2021 and Aconcagua Costa Syrah 2021.
Sao Paulo, Brazil – 24 October
• Tasting dinners with importer Grand Cru along with important clients of its franchises.
• Tasting of the MAX, Aconcagua Costa and Aconcagua Alto ranges.