Responsible Consumption

At Viña Errázuriz we promote the Responsible Consumption of alcohol, specifically wine, as a response to the strong commitment we have with our consumers. We seek to raise awareness of the importance and benefits associated with a moderate consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle.
We want you to enjoy our wines to the fullest,
but always in moderation.
What is Responsible Consumption?
Responsible Consumption refers to the consumption of alcohol which does not exceed the recommended limits or affect their wellbeing or that of others. This also includes knowing that sometimes the best option is to not drink at all.

Consumption of alcohol
When drinking wine, or any other type of alcohol, it is important to consider the variety of factors that influence its absorption, such as size, weight, age, physical condition, diet and others. Thus, the effects will differ for each person.
For example, people of a lower body mass will have a higher percentage of alcohol in their blood in comparison to others who have drunk the same quantity.

Journey of alcohol through the body
Once alcohol is ingested, it passes through the oesophagus, travelling to the stomach and then to the small intestine. Although a small quantity of alcohol enters the bloodstream through the mucosa of the stomach, the majority enters the bloodstream through the walls of the small intestine. The absorption into the blood is fast, reaching maximum concentration around 30 to 90 minutes after consumption.
Alcohol travels around the whole body via the blood, assimilating easily into the cells of different organs and tissues, absorbing in proportion to its water content. The effect that it will have on the body, will depend on the Blood Alcohol Concentration (grams of pure alcohol per litre of circulating blood).
Metabolism is a process of transformation, or biochemical changes, of substances that have been ingested into simpler compounds that can be assimilated into our body. One of these processes of transformation is oxidation. Around 90% of the alcohol absorbed is broken down by oxidation in the liver into assimilable compounds such as water or carbon dioxide, among others.
10% of ingested alcohol is directly eliminated without being broken down, through respiration and urine. Small quantities are also excreted through perspiration, tears and breastmilk.
Wine in Moderation provides the following guidelines as recommended measurements of consumption:

Follow these recommendations and ensure to consume responsibly:
Drink wine with a meal, this will make the alcohol process more slowly.
Alternate the consumption of alcohol with water; alcohol dehydrates your body, therefore drinking water will ensure your body is properly hydrated.
Avoid drinking in excess on any occasion, wine can be part of a healthy lifestyle if consumed in moderation.