Sustainability is present across the board at Viña Errázuriz, which compels us to adopt a culture of excellence in everything we do.
We work hand in hand with the people and our surroundings, aiming to generate shared value for all in economic, social and environmental matters.

We love our land and its fruit. We are aware that the only way we can continue making the best wines is to work in perfect harmony with our surroundings. This has been our philosophy for the more than a century and a half of our existence, and we will continue to do so in order to pass this legacy on to future generations.
We implement practices that allow us to have production processes in harmony with our environment and produce wines that reflect this seal in each glass
Responsible Environmental Management
Energy efficiency
Our barrel rooms and our wine cellars are built based on eco-friendly architecture, as well as our icon winery Don Maximiano, which has a natural temperature control system based on a geothermal gradient. Along with this, our wineries take advantage of the gravitational effect in the movement of musts and wines, and the general operating buildings have solar panels for energy supply.

Technologies for efficient use of water
All our vineyards have drip irrigation, monitoring sensors and delivery systems that favour the efficient use of water resources. Additionally, we use systems that conserve water and promote its reuse.

Soil health monitoring
We use photographic records to manage vineyard variables, humidity sensors for irrigation programming and vegetation between rows for erosion control.

Integrated pest management.
We use natural products with low impact on health and the environment to control pests in our vineyards.

Since our beginnings, we have sought to have the least possible impact on nature, for which we conserve natural biological corridors for birds and native fauna, as well as respecting the flows of streams and native forests between vineyards.

Reuse and recycle
We prioritize the use of recyclable materials in the containers and packaging of our bottles and we recycle the by-products of our operation from local suppliers. Along with this, we reuse organic matter generated from our processes.

Value shared with the people

Shared value with our people
We maintain a close relationship with the communities neighbouring our facilities, collaborating and supporting different social activities and maintaining a continuous dialogue in pursuit of collaborative work.

Supply chain
We subscribe to the Clean Production Protocol of the Chilean industry, and we implement management systems of best practices in line with the BRC and HACCP standards. We work as well with local glass suppliers, promoting entrepreneurship.